Wednesday 12 October 2011

only if i was a congressman

Dream of every Indian:-
Study in India, marry an Indian, but work in America. You see millions do nursing and fly to America and settle there, same cases with Engineers, Dentist and Doctors Etc.
Americans employ Indians because they work for low cost compared to Americans, Which causes unemployment to Americans. But thanks to Obama he came up with some plan or some rules. This stated that America will only employ Americans, which led to recession in India. 
1 dollar was equal to 45rs. Now it is 48rs. It may rise 50 then 60, 70 etc if it goes on, we will never catch up.
So if we need India to develop we must give it a chance.

(It is not that I have something against America. I love America. But I also want India to develop.
Tired of hearing India is developing country, it is developing fast etc etc. we are not developing. And we won’t unless we take some action.
Oh, and for an action we must think!! Not happening with our congressmen)

               So guys here I am, only if I was a congressman.

My friend lately had been to America and talked to me about his trip to New York, Manhattan, Washington Etc
Everything amused me. But one fact!
 he said me that the minimum wage of American there was 7 dollar per hour. I was shocked by hearing it.
7$ ???? It’s like 350rs, the minimum wage of Indian labor is less than 350 per day!

So I started calculating.
 if person works for 10 hours at 7$ per hour for a month his monthly income would be.
Amount per hour = 7$
Amount per day = 10*7 = 70$
Total monthly income = 70*30= 2100$
If one 1$= 48rs
2100$= 2100*48= 100800rs.

100800rs!!!! is a lot of money.
No wonder people in India work in call centers for their bosses on the other side of world in America for 30,000rs per month. 
If I was a congressman I would have passed a rule like Obama and the rule would imply that every American company to employee Indian must pay him 5$ per hour minimum. That would be 1500$ i.e. 72,000Rs per month.
And trust me guys increase in salary will not cause any loss to companies. They will only profit less. 

There are millions of Indians working in call centers, if their income is increased. The Indian economy will increase. 

And economy is the only way to increase the development. 

Thursday 6 October 2011


Global warming

Everyone talks about it. Nobody takes any steps. Most of them don’t have an option!

Poor Indian economy

India spreads billions and billions on petroleum.
It would be so nice if this money could stay in our country itself.
But We are helpless!!!

Foreign invasion

So great right?
These foreign countries like Honda, hundai,Suzuki,wolkswagen,ford etc etc.
Invest in india. And employ so many Indians…
No guyz. They are profiting from us. They are taking away our money. If Indian companies profit from us. Our economy will increase.
But quality provided by Indian product is so poor that we often opt to foreign product.
We are helpless!!!


So I have a solution, much like an idea!!!!!!!

               If i was a congressman.

India should invest on think tanks and ask them to research and come up with a vehicle which runs on electricity which is practical, economical, classy, fast, durable, vehicle which is really awesome, better than other electric vehicle already existing in market.
When the vehicle is ready. The government should merge with any Indian company like maruthi, Mahindra, hero or other company. And launch the vehicles.
The invested money and initial losses will be covered in a quick time. 

And for electricity we can use nuclear power. 

Which is efficient and cheaper compared to petroleum. 

                                            If the plan works out.

1.The global warming problem will be solved.

2.The money spent by India on petroleum will remain in our country. economy of India will increase
3.Foreign companies will not profit anymore.